Established in year 2003, G.RESIDENTIAL S.SCH.S. SIMALWARA is located in Rural area of Rajasthan state/ut of India. In Simalwara area of Simalwara block of Dungarpur district. Area pincode is 314403. School is providing Upper Primary, Secondary, High Secondary (6-12) level education and is being managed by Tribal/Social Welfare Department. Medium of instruction is Hindi language and school is Co-educational. Currently schools is being guided by principal/head teacher Mr./Ms. JEEVAN PRAKESH DAMA. School is affiliated with State Board for both secondary and high secondary level.
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The school environment enables children to live free & passionate lives and being a digital school, it ignites a flame of positive future; a future that holds million aspirations, astounding energies and marvelous hopes for young brains.
Director's Desk
I am honoured to lead this esteemed Institution with over 15 years’ experience in education. I worked in Jawaher Navodaya Vidyalaya as a faculty of PGT GEOGRAPHY for more than 15 years...
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Establish Year
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